Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Okay, so I know I didn't actually watch much football on the 25th (NO Los Angeles stations carried the Broncos game! Imagine that!), I have to say, I love watching some good football games! And of course I love it when the Broncos have a winning season! I have been a Broncos fan for as long as I have been into football. We have had some great years and some not-so-great years. But I will continue to watch them whenever I can. Especially if they are playing and beating San Diego or Oakland!!!

Day 24: Friends
On the 24th I was able to be thankful for my dear dear friends. I was able to spend the morning with one of my oldest friends! Actually she is a year younger than me, but I have known her almost the longest! And no matter how long it is between visits, it just is like we never left! Now, when we get together there are 4 kids running around, but other than that, it is like old times! (I don't know how I didn't manage even 1 picture of our time together?!?!?! Jenny, do you have any?)

123Friendster.com - More Friends Forever Comments

123Friendster.com - More Friends Forever Comments
Day 23: Turkey!
On the 23rd of November we celebrated our Thanksgiving with a delicious Turkey my mother cooked! She does it without thinking!!! I hope I can get that good some day! But we enjoyed are turkey with some very dear friends of ours. It was a wonderful afternoon and the kids got along great with each other. So, yeah for gobble gobble!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Day 22: Pilgrims
How can we not be thankful for the pilgrims of years past who came to the fine country for religious freedom. Who suffered many trials an tribulations, but worked hard and made it through to the first Thanksgiving oh so many years ago. Now many of us celebrate in different ways, this Holiday has us all thinking about the wonders of thanks!

(So, yes, I am posting this on Nov. 27, but I have good reason! We were out of town and the computer was the LAST thing I wanted to be on!!! More on what we did to come!)
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 21: Walt Disney
Walt brought so much innovation and joy to the world! I am thankful he lived and shared his vision with the rest of the world! And I am thankful for all those who have followed his lead in the amazement of bringing joy to all generations. And Walt would not have been successful without his business-minded brother Roy! What an amazing team!
Day 20: Ocean
Although we don't get to visit quite as often as we would like, I am thankful for the beautiful ocean close to which my parents live! It is a wonder and beauty and kids just get to enjoy it so much!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Day 19: ZOO!
I am so grateful for the opportunity to go to the zoo! The kids just love to watch the lions and tiger and bears...oh my! (heheheh) They are so much fun! And we enjoy hanging out with family and friends there. Yeah for the zoo!
Day 18: Parks
On day 18, I am thankful for lovely parks. They are so fun to play at and help get the kids tired! And I am thankful for the ability to enjoy so many different parks. We can run and jump and swing and chase each other. So much fun!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Day 17: Joyful Mission Preschool
Today I am thankful for Joyful Mission Preschool. They taught Ethan so much in the 2 years he attended. Now Nyla is growing and learning so much each day it is exciting! I was blessed to share in their feast day yesterday and to see her interact with the teachers and kids was amazing. Although she is one of the youngest in her class, she seems to fit right in and has a great time. She is so proud of all she does. Ms. Chriss and the rest of the staff have been simply amazing! If anyone is looking for a great place to send your children, I HIGHLY recommend this awesome school!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012
Day 16: Drinking Water
So I know this may sounds odd, but I am grateful to have good drinking water without a filter. There are millions of people in this world who do not have access to drinkable water. At least not easily. And I think I take for granted that I can use any sink in my house or my refrigerator to get water out of. And most of you know I drink about 100 ounces a day, so it is a good thing I don't have to buy that daily!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Day 15: Tradition!
Today I get the privilege of continuing a tradition with my Mother-in-Law. As most of you know, I am not a big shopper. Especially craft fairs are not usually my thing. However, for the past number of years (I can't even remember when we started...maybe when Ethan was a baby?) Daleen and I have been going to the Grandmother's House Boutique at Tagawa Gardens. They have a great set up. You walk around and shop, then pay at the end. Each artisan has it's own number/tag and so the money is divided at the end (I guess). They have a wide variety of crafts and items.So here's to a tradition continuing!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Day 14: Beautiful Fall Days
As we are cleaning our oven with that lovely smell, I am thankful for beautiful fall days like today where we can open our windows and enjoy the 50+ degree weather. It is such a beautiful day. I look forward to days like this all winter long! Blue clear sky, little to no breeze, and a bright shiny sun! Who could ask for anything more?!
This is the view out of our front porch right now!
This is the view out of our front porch right now!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Day 13: Coffee!
Since I was unable to have coffee this morning due to my minor illness, I sure am missing it today! So I am thankful for the yummy coffee I drink each and everyday!

Day12: Technology
Today (okay yesterday, but still) I am thankful for the technology we get to experience in my daily life. My computer decided it didn't want to work so I had to drive into the office. It made me think about how much awesome technology we live with every day! I work from home so much and still am able to be a full participant in my work. Last month, while my parents were on the other side of the world, I was able to instant chat with my Mom via Facebook! I mean real-time updates and chatting. It was amazing! I mean with all we have seen in our lifetimes (from 8-tracks and rotary phones to MP3 music and Bluetooth cellphones), what will our children see???

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Day 11: Thank you Veterans!!
As we sat around having a PJ day with nothing to do except get Gavin & Brian feeling better, I couldn't help but think of all those service men & women have worked tirelessly to protect our country. I am so thankful for all service men & women and their families. So many have given so much and so many have given everything. Thank you.

Saturday, November 10, 2012
Day 10: Snow & Weather
Today I am thankful for the ability to enjoy all 4 seasons here in Colorado. Earlier this week we were close to 80. Today, our high happened at midnight and we have slowly been getting colder with more snow, grappel etc. I really love the changing of the seasons. Growing up in Southern California, I did not know hat seasons were. Now that I have live here for 16+ years, I have learned what the for seasons truly mean. I really love the weather I get to experience here.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Day 9: Our Health
Today I want to express my thanks for the health of my family. Although we have our tummy bugs and colds come and go, we are all in overall good health. I hear stories of what other children go through and I am so thankful that the worst my kids have had is Hand, Foot and Mouth or Eye Infections. So I am thankful that we all have the ability to do all we want to and are healthy in what we do!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Day 8: My Job!
Today I want to express my thankfulness for the job I hold. I have been working with the same company for almost 10 years (essentially). I have been given the ability to grow and learn in many different ways. In addition, this position has granted me the ability to work from home and allow my dear dear husband to be a stay-at-home Dad. The work I do most days is fulfilling and keeps me on the edge of legislature and changes in the industry. Plus, I am able to use my knowledge to help loved ones when needed. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have experienced thus far, as well as all those that are coming in the future. I look forward to continued growth!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Day 7: It's OVER!
Similar to yesterday, but different, man am I thankful that the political ads will stop for now!
I agree we all have opinions and we have the right to express such opinions. However, I am glad that EVERY commercial on TV and Radio will not be Obama or Romney or something else one way or the other.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled annoying commercials... YEAH!!!!
I agree we all have opinions and we have the right to express such opinions. However, I am glad that EVERY commercial on TV and Radio will not be Obama or Romney or something else one way or the other.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled annoying commercials... YEAH!!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Day 6: Freedom
Today I am Thankful for my Freedom. The Freedom to Vote in an election without concern for my safety. In fact, I can vote from the comfort of my home (which I did a few weeks ago). I am grateful for all the men and women who have helped to fight for this freedom. I urge everyone (okay, like anyone is reading this, but still) to get out and vote today! I have a strong feeling that the election will be incredibly close, so why not be the vote that makes the decision?!?!

Monday, November 5, 2012
Day 5: Colorado
As I was taking my morning walk today, it was a bit colder than usual: 28. But I didn't let that stop me! Besides Belikan would not have been happy if I skipped it!
As I walked with the sun raising, I couldn't help but notice the beauty surrounding me. Then I see a whole herd (family, grouping? Not sure what a herd of deer is called) of deer standing around just on the other side of the street! I have seen more deer since we moved down to our current house, but their majestic appearance never ceases to amaze me. As I continued my walk, I realized how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful state.
A little while later I was rounding another corner and there were 2 HUGE bucks eating right next to the road. To avoid disturbing them, I swung wide into the street (luckily no cars around at the time). They looks at me, but then continued on their own path.
I pray I never take for granted all the beauty around. I saw many cars drive right by barely seeing the deer. I hope I never become that complacent with the beauty of this state. I was unable to get my camera up in time, but believe me, they are amazing animals. And I am blessed and grateful to live so close to such beauty. As my Jesuit College tradition taught me: God in all Things. This truly came out on this beautiful Autumn Morning.
(and since I didn't break out the camera this morning, I will use one that Brian took a couple weeks ago)
As I walked with the sun raising, I couldn't help but notice the beauty surrounding me. Then I see a whole herd (family, grouping? Not sure what a herd of deer is called) of deer standing around just on the other side of the street! I have seen more deer since we moved down to our current house, but their majestic appearance never ceases to amaze me. As I continued my walk, I realized how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful state.
A little while later I was rounding another corner and there were 2 HUGE bucks eating right next to the road. To avoid disturbing them, I swung wide into the street (luckily no cars around at the time). They looks at me, but then continued on their own path.
I pray I never take for granted all the beauty around. I saw many cars drive right by barely seeing the deer. I hope I never become that complacent with the beauty of this state. I was unable to get my camera up in time, but believe me, they are amazing animals. And I am blessed and grateful to live so close to such beauty. As my Jesuit College tradition taught me: God in all Things. This truly came out on this beautiful Autumn Morning.
(and since I didn't break out the camera this morning, I will use one that Brian took a couple weeks ago)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Day 4: Family Close and Far
I am grateful for my entire family! I have wonderful siblings both by birth and by marriage. We enjoy each other whenever together. I love you all as a sibling. And I am grateful that both my family and Brian's family get along and truly enjoy each others company. We have great times together. In addition, this extends to the wonderful nieces and nephews I have. My wonderful Aunts and Uncles and cousins all of whom I love dearly. Although we don't get together as often as would like, I love and miss you all. I am grateful this extends beyond my blood relatives to my other family members as well. Each person adds so much to my life I cannot begin to thank you all for everything you have taught me! There is no way I can post photos of all those I speak about, so I truly hope and pray you all know who you are! THANK YOU!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012
Day 3: My Parents
I am so thankful for my Parents! As I learn and grow as a parent myself, each day brings more and more love and respect for all the hard work they put in raising 3 successful children! They have always been my biggest fan. They provide me with encouragement and love every step of the way! Mom & Dad have shown what it takes for a marriage to last 40+ years! I look forward to all the times I can spend with them. Thank you for being AMAZING role models and parents! We love you and miss you!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Day 2: My Husband!
Today I am posting that I am Thankful for my wonderful husband. He is the best dad in the world! Just ask my kiddos. He works so hard each and every day taking care of our 3 beautiful children. I adore him for all he does day in and day out! I love you so much!!!
I thank God for bringing us together! God is truly the "Keeper of the Stars"!
I was going to write "Today I am thankful for my husband" but I am truly grateful for him each and every day!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Days of Thanksgiving!
New Goal: Update blog daily between now and Thanksgiving highlighting what we are thankful for.
Today I am thankful for my 3 beautiful children. We have our great days, then our okay days. But each day I see the joy and love in their eyes and I know that God is Wonderful and blessed me with these beautiful children!
They are getting so big! (Ethan 5, Nyla 3, Gavin 1)
Today I am thankful for my 3 beautiful children. We have our great days, then our okay days. But each day I see the joy and love in their eyes and I know that God is Wonderful and blessed me with these beautiful children!
They are getting so big! (Ethan 5, Nyla 3, Gavin 1)
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